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i don't care about anything

Anxious, Depressed, Confused, Angry....the Typical... Is There Help For A Person Who Has Always Been A 'little Depressed', Lovely, However... - Julie C. - Jul 14th 2008, I Am Really Worried About My Mental Health (19yr Old Female), Identity Confusion: I Don't Know What Personality Disorders I Have, Is There Help Out There? That adds up to a meaningful life. Olfactory Sensations (Smell) And Stress Reduction. I've been in each situation you describe. I am a seventeen year old girl. Take pleasure in the act of giving itself. I mean, I have tried but it doesn't feel the same anymore. I have given and given. So what are we to do when the "I don't cares" start to move in? Take A Walk In The Park. Copyright © 1995-2015 CenterSite, LLC, All rights reserved. I don’t trust people like I use to nor do I care what anyone thinks about me anymore. Person 1: I don't care about anything you're saying. MAX: Ironically, the more you do for others, the better you’ll feel about your own life—I swear. This is stupid. Even my smile is fake. Right now, I don't care about anything, right now I don't care about anything. Frightening Thoughts - Fear Losing Control - Please Help! I'm still having bad nightmares though, each day is a struggle and i'll admit I do feel alone even when amongst my family. Study: Young Adults Who Had Depression Have 'Hyper-Connected' Brain Networks, Talk Therapy Plus Meds May Be Best for Severe Depression, Robin Williams' Death Shines Light on Depression, Substance Abuse, Fitness May Help Ward Off Depression in Girls, Coaching May Help Diabetics Battle Depression, Disease Better, Preschoolers Can Suffer From Depression, Too, Extra Exercise Could Help Depressed Smokers Quit: Study, Depression May Make It Harder to Beat Prostate Cancer, Stress, Depression May Boost Stroke Risk, Study Finds, As Antidepressant Warnings Toughened, Teen Suicide Attempts Rose: Study, Weight Gain From Antidepressants Is Minimal, Study Suggests, Depression Tied to Crohn's Disease Flare-Ups, Altruism May Help Shield Teens From Depression: Study, Higher Doses of Antidepressants Linked to Suicidal Behavior in Young Patients: Study, Internet May Help Seniors Avoid Depression, Study Ties Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy to Autism Risk in Boys, Young Dads at Risk of Depressive Symptoms, Study Finds, ICU-Related Depression Often Overlooked, Study Finds, Depression May Be Linked to Heart Failure, Scientists Spot Another Group of Genes That May Raise Depression Risk, Mental Health, Dual-Diagnosis, & Behavioral Addictions, ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Alzheimers Disease And Other Cognitive Disorders, Child Development And Parenting: Early Childhood. He kind of brought the hate on himself. MentalHelp.net is operated by Recovery Brands LLC, a subsidiary of American Addiction Centers, Inc. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the MentalHelp.net helpline is a private and convenient solution. 36 Funny People Who Don’t Care About Anything Some funny people can be so passionate about their own interests that they just don’t care about anything that is happening around them. Are Self-Hate And Prejudice Against Others Different? HOW YOU FEEL DOESN' MATTER The only saving grace I have is that I know what I want to do, but I can't do it anytime soon since my degree will take years to get. If you are smoking marijuana that could contribute significantly to your tiredness and lack of zest. What are you feeling physically? "MORE MORE Regulating Brain Chemicals And Mental Illnesses With WINCS And DBS, World Suicide Prevention Day... September 10, 2008, Mood Changes Linked To Seasonal Fluctuations In Serotonin, Why Is Happiness So Difficult To Achieve? I know it’s a cliché but you must live in the moment and try to do the most you can for others. If There's Nothing New, There's Nothing Good. MAX: You can’t give in the hopes of reciprocity. "Guns And Suicide" Article And Comments: What About The Anger? You said it. You come to bitter terms with your reality vs blaming yourself for everything wrong in your life thereby giving yourself the power to change whatever you wish. It's been quite a battle. 6 Strategies For Surviving And Even Thriving The Holidays Alone, 11 Ways Men And Women Deal With Depression Differently, What To Do When You're Singing The Winter Blues, Trying To Cope With Depression When "I Just Can't.". The Difference Between Grief And Depression, The DSM V, The Impact Of Small Stresses In Daily Life, Overcoming Stress By Volunteering With Your Dog. Feeling Depressed: Influenced By The Attitudes And Opinions Of Others? I Criticize Myself Too Much And I Need To Stop. I don't care 1. If they pay attention that's a bonus. Max is a dick, never once did he ask why she feels the way she does, nor does he attempt to understand where she is coming from. The low energy and apathetic feelings you describe could be the result of a medical problem that is, as yet, undiagnose. Max already proved he can't. When you don't want to do anything, it is one of the most common symptoms of depression, many overlook. MAX: All of us have the potential to make a difference. We should all try to care a little less so we can be happier. You need a full medical check up and you need to tell your MD the very same things you wrote to me, here. Neither MentalHelp.net nor AAC receives any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose. This can range from an underactive thyroid gland to your having mononucleosis. But God won't subject us to more then What Is Going On With Me? yours is "I don't care for anything or anyone .you need to talk to a doctor who deals with this kind of OCD and get put on the right medication. MAX: You do what you can. My husband and I just co-exist and my daughter is constantly proving how much she can rebel—I thought that would be a short phase. Detached: I Feel Guilty, But I Can't Help It. 2. I'm cut out of everyone's life until they need something. I wish I had someone to tell me they've been there and that it gets better. The same goes for my family. a change, a change for heaven's sake. you are missing so much out of life by isolating yourself from people . Life sucks. They need to destroy it because it shines a light on their shortcomings. We act like doormats because we were taught to help those in need. Suspended From College For Expressing Suicidal Ideation (a Reaction To An NPR Radio Story), A Natural Approach To Treating Depression Web Series, Suicide Among White Middle Class Increases, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device For Treatment-resistant Major Depression Just Approved By The FDA, National Depression Screening Day Is Just Around The Corner (October 10th! There is nothing I can do. A New Form Of Self-Injury, Self-Embedding? YOU EXIST ONLY AS A STONE TO BE SQUEEZED I'm not helping anymore. It started as anger after i returned to the states. So, here is my question:  What can I do to make myself feel better, more energized, more DRIVEN, etc. What Has Supported My Recovery From Depression? The author makes Minnie out to be extremely negative, but if you don't care then there isn't anything to be negative about. The bottom line is this: You’re checked out at your job and you just don’t care anymore.. Dogs, Depression And Other Health Issues: Is There Something To Be Gained From Illness? Copyright © 2020 MentalHelp.net, All rights reserved. So… you don’t care anymore, about anyone or anything. I don't advise killing yourself, but you don't express HATRED the way I do, so I don't think you're clinical. Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Is The Memory Of My Father Dooming My Relationship? I will include in this the possibility that one or both parents are drinking or coming home drunk. I don’t care anymore. The question is, what is causing it? Do Environmental Factors Hold A Person Back? Part of the physical issue also depends upon your nutrition and how well you are or are not eating. Most of us start as loving people but then stuff happens. I started reading this, honestly to find out what was wrong with me, but it turned into a confirmation of the my reality that I hate so much to accept. hand to God, I thought I loved you. Suicide: Does A Person Have The Right To Take His Own Life? I've tried to live my life so far too please everyone around me, and its worthless. I've given of my time (should have gone to college instead of helping my siblings enjoy high school), my money (half the things my parents own are gifts from me, at this point), my energy ('friends' constantly need my help with their computers, but never seen to be around when I'm in need), my freedom (my parents wanted me to be "like John Boy from the Waltons"), and my happiness (all of the above, even at the cost of something I hold dear). That would make me happy, if only for a little while. Why Do I Feel Like Everyone Is Trying To Upset Me? I use to enjoy playing poker, kayaking, pouring beer at brewfest, making my own homebrew beer and having friends over. I plan to work for the holidays, to avoid the holiday “phonies.” Every Christmas, I go broke, buying gifts for people who don’t … What Treatments Are Available After You've Tried The Medicines Of Last Resort? Started talking to the Va mental health professionals when it got worse. Hand to God I swear I'll pray for. I don't even know why I'm posting this. How Sweet They Are? I've talked about it forever. Call The Toll-FREE Helpline 24/7 To Get Treatment Options Now. I really dont need that wise ass shit in my life. Last.fm's Current Most Loved Pop Tracks. Bright Side gathered 25 funny pictures of people that kept calm in crazy situations. The person that helps me is one that understands what it is to feel hopeless, someone who's been there and has real advice and support. 2. MAX: Take a step back. If God would not spare His only begotten Son (Does this mean I also don't care what I am saying?) A: "I don't care what Scott does now that we're broken up." Like, I can't care about people anymore. It feels crappy. There was a problem playing this track. Most liberals are too shortsighted to see the longterm and ultimate logical consequences of their actions. Until I sit back and see everyone I helped doing great loving life and ignoring me. MINNIE: With 7.7 billion people on the planet, you can’t begin to move the needle. Current track: I Don't Care About Anything But You I Don't Care About Anything But You. Stumbled here looking for something that might give me some insight. X. I strongly advise you to stop if that is what you are doing. Does Untreated Depression Pass On To A Fetus? Some people are more career-dedicated, family-oriented, extremely studious, or all of the above. Use the above anhedonia categories as your guide. Chronic Cortisol Exposure Causes Mood Disorders, Heart Attacks And Young Women == Depression, SSRI Antidepressants Raise Risk Of Premature Birth, Adult ADHD: Difficult To Diagnose And Often Misunderstood, NYTimes Has Story On Deep Brain Stim For Depression, Brain Scan Predicts Who Will Benefit From Cognitive Therapy, The Midlife Crisis: A Case Of Extreme Stress, Treating Mother's Depression Helps Protect Their Children, Maintanence Medications Ward Off Senior Depression Relapse, Depression Predicts Mental Decline In Seniors, Dad's Depression Affects Toddler's Behavior, Too, Depression May Worsen Problem of Obesity Among the Poor, Stress, Depression a 'Perfect Storm' of Trouble for Heart Patients, Depression During Pregnancy Linked to Child's Asthma Risk, Easing Depression May Boost Heart Health, Study Finds, Risk of Violent Crime Rises With Depression, Study Finds, Narcotic Painkiller Use Tied to Higher Risk for Depression, Depression After Stroke Linked to Troubled Sleep, Binge-Watching TV May Be Sign of Depression, Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety Can Precede Memory Loss in Alzheimer's, Study Finds, 'Tis the Season for Seasonal Affective Disorder, Mother's Depression Tied to Later Delinquency in Kids, Nearly 1 in 12 Americans Struggles With Depression, Study Finds, Early Puberty Linked to Increased Risk of Depression in Teens, Being the Boss Tied to Depression Risk for Women, But Not Men, After Breast Cancer, Depression Risk Lingers, Even Depression May Not Dim Thoughts of Bright Future, Dark Days Here for Folks With Seasonal Depression, Depression After Heart Attack May Be More Common for Women, Obesity and Depression Often Twin Ills, Study Finds, More Evidence That Exercise May Help Fight Depression, Teen Girls May Face Greater Risk of Depression, Weight-Loss Surgery May Not Always Help With Depression, Nature Walks With Others May Keep Depression at Bay, One Dose of Antidepressant Changes Brain Connections, Study Says, Study Questions Link Between Antidepressants, Miscarriage.

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