squad raas layers

TC v1. Removed Eye Adaptation from all layers to reduce exploits and allow for balanced gameplay in all areas. Fixed hundreds of foliage visual issues. Updated point capture speed to scale by the number of players. Initial Neutral flags have an additional 1.3x speed multiplier. This will now be enabled by default on all server platforms and will aid in gathering information to address the critical Linux crash issues. TC v1. RAAS v10. While the ultimate solution will include changes to those offensive assets, buffing deployables should lead to more enjoyable defensive gameplay in the meantime. . Fixed an issue with floating rocks and grass at the entrances to Tunnel POI. Updated the HAB ghost placement mesh to include exit point indicators. We have updated the capture speed to scale with the number of players. Adjusted the faction vehicle layout on Tallil RAAS v1. Vehicle Reset Feature does not currently work with Helicopters. Fixed a gameplay issue on Skorpo TC v1 and TC v2 where the minimap did not display the gameplay border. However, if you experience any of these 3 bugs still in v2.12, please report on the Discord/Forums. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. The random aspect is that it will randomly decide which direction it wants to trend in, then maintain that trend. Fixed a minor audio issue with the ambient sounds on Mutaha cutting out when around the main bases/edges of the map. Improved and optimized texture quality scaling. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). It should be much easier to tell when getting hit by projectiles now when inside a vehicle. Fixed a long-standing issue with RAAS fog of war, which was unintentionally hiding lost and double neutral flags. The grass is thicker, has more variety, and includes realistic clustering of similar foliage types (such as patches of flowers). More details below: Removed the force which previously prevented infantry from standing on each others heads. RAAS v08. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. Design Intention: This is intended to make deployables blend into the environment better, making them slightly harder to spot, especially from longer ranges and from the air. As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (Link URL). The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. At higher quality, textures remain at full resolution further into the distance. If you are experiencing this issue, you are likely under the minimum required specs for VRAM (4GB). Fixed the issue with modded custom factions causing an infinite loading screen. Fixed various foliage issues across multiple maps: Fixed Oak Cluster from having inconsistent LODs on too many vertices. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. Fixed an issue with corn crops having dark leaves and dark artifacts in different LODs. Design Intention: This unique Insurgent deployable is intended to slow vehicles, cut off enemy routes, conceal travel routes, block sight lines, and create fear and chaos among the enemy. Along with every map/layer, each contains: Team Information (Name and Total Tickets) Vehicle Information (Name, Quantity and Delays) Layer Information (Weather, Command and Total Capture Points) and more! Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. Ghost player in vehicle bug Occasionally entering a vehicle makes a player permanently take up a seat in that vehicle, even after they exit. RAAS v09. Fixed a minor issue with a shipping container that was blocking a doorway in grid G5-3-1. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Fixed an issue with small ground clutter/rocks having too short of a culling range. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs. Fixed a minor issue with flowers clipping through stone walls at grid F6-5-4. Please note that this tickbox is not affected by changing Graphics Presets and must therefore be toggled manually. Restriction zones dont block projectiles, but will kill enemy players in 8 seconds, similar to the outer map bounds. Potential Fix for the critical issue of vehicles occasionally missing their turrets at the round start. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (LINK URL). Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). At Cinematic quality, there is no longer any limit to particle update rate, allowing you to see our VFX the way they were always intended to be seen. In 2 . Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Nestled in between the massive fjords of Western Norway, the tranquil village of Uskedalen and the island of Skorpo are seen as a key strategic battleground to gain control of the North Sea passages. Alt-tabbing out of Squad during a loading screen freezes the Player (client). Adjusted the CAF C9A2 LMG front sight to a more accurate model. This led to issues with flag distances and fairness, so it was changed to a lane system. Also adjusted the reticles to be more readable with higher Anti Aliasing settings. SquadMaps: All maps and layers in Squad. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. !vote start - Starts a vote with 6 layers, random modes. Also a feature in v2.15 is improvements to FOB Deployables including new additions such as camouflage netting that will help conceal soldiers who are using the FOB for cover. Note for modders: Added the option to bypass duplicate text checks on a per-notification basis. Vehicle Reset Feature can freeze a vehicle in the air if used too close to a tree. RAAS v11. Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Fixed the issues with the backdrop mountains texture. Fixed a minor issue with the GB FV107 Reconnaissance vehicle using an inconsistent icon on the map screen versus the vehicle info card menu. deployables to be placed intention is to disallow all deployables in the sewers. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Fixed an issue with the waterfall missing its VFX. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. Harju. A complete dictionary of Squad Maps and layers available in-game. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, they hear all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward. Fixed a minor issue with dirty toilet water seeping through the wall. Capturing generally takes longer and the neutral flag capture rate variability is more obvious with 3 or fewer soldiers in the capture zone. Updated Mutaha RAAS v1 to include new CPs and new routes. Adjusted Combat Engineer Kit Role inventory razorwire to have the half built state with a single row of knee-high wire (Same as FOB razorwire). Narva Destruction v1 Fixed an issue where USA is not team1, which could result in the same team playing the same faction 2 maps in a row. Added a new Capture Rate Indicator to the HUD Flag Status widget (in the top right of the screen). Removed most artificial colour-grading. This work can have a significant effect on gameplay as Tallil shadows now render out to 1km at all graphics settings which ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland texture to better match the OD color tone of the rest of the CAF vehicles. Fixed a potential exploit with the vehicle repair tool that allowed for infinite vehicle repairs. Goose Bay Fixed various floating grass. Discussion Squad is again way too infantry-based, almost all AAS/RAAS layers lack light AT-vehicles Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 Predict Squad RAAS lanes and learn map layouts with Squadlanes! Local/Offline issues currently have a lower priority. Fixed clipping issues/exploits with rocks at grid C4-1-3, G6-8-7. This occurred when the stabilizer was enabled and the gunner would move the turret while the vehicle commander would move their periscope/HMG. It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). Redesigned to be both as unpredictable as possible, while also maintaining the sanity of those who play, Hawks RAAS Rework is a hybrid between the olden days of Full Random, and the new-school Laned RAAS. Fixed the collision on the Green Bridge so that landmines are still slightly visible even when dug down. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. Adjusted Anvil AAS v1 starting tickets to 300/300 (was 350/350). Fixed a minor visual issue with the texture on an Afghan rock wall endcap looking washed out, which was missing albedo. RAAS v06. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. Squad Masters Vanilla are the normal maps with normal settings. Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Now with well over 100 distinct layer configurations, Hawks RAAS Rework is the perfect supplement to any server, giving you a classic Squad experience with a new twist. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. Fixed a minor visual issue with some small visual holes in the mesh of the Middle East Urban Center static building. This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. Capture Speed Scaling was added in v2.14. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed a minor visual issue for helmets with the CAF Pilots helmet LOD being offset from the character, resulting in a floating helmet. RAAS v04. Adjusted all SL Rifles to now show + Tracer on their HUD names. When a player attempts to enter the vehicles turret seat, it will cause a game-breaking state (Missing Turrets Bug). Squad Lanes makes sense as an invaluable tool in RAAS layers that follow lanes such as Yehorivka RAAS V1. Reply Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. This change was done to account for the previously mentioned change to radial splash damage on vehicle gunner positions, as this kill zone radius would also damage gunner positions to that change. Fixed an issue with cliffs having a collision that is far off the actual terrain at grid G6-8-8. Adjusted the Goose Bay map camera location. Updated brick tower at grid O13-4-6, interior ladders have been removed. If you encounter any map layers with this issue after this fix, we appreciate detailed player reports thru discord, forums, etc. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Fixed a variety of foliage textures to help with brightness, saturation and some normals to prevent glowing foliage, due to materials with excessive subsurface brightness. Fixed ambient reflections failing to save properly, which resulted in some maps missing pre-rendered reflections. Some layers will continue to receive tweaks and improvements in the future. Fixed an issue with terrain clipping into a building at grid D3-3-6. RAAS v10. Occasional Player (Client) crashes in various circumstances. Fixed a gameplay issue with pilots getting excessively harsh team kill penalties in relation to crashing helicopters with multiple passengers. After the fighting in Narva, the opposition forces have begun raiding the various towns in the area. As was noted earlier today we have discovered an exploit in Squad and while we believe we have it fixed in v2.12 there is a small chance that it might slightly delay the updates release. This effect simulates the dimming of ambient light in enclosed spaces like buildings and forests. Fixed an issue with vehicles sometimes floating when they first spawn. Updated several map layers which were displaying vehicles bundled in groups in the vehicle card list info. SquadMaps is a website to display all the maps and layers in Squad. So the 1st flag could connect to any 2nd flag, then that one could connect to any 3rd flag, etc. Squad's RAAS system was originally based only on depth. Updated the infantry Buddy Boost feature to be easier to use, which allows a soldier to climb on top of another soldier to boost over a wall. Fixed a minor visual issue with the GB FV107 Tracked Recon wreck mesh LOD. Currently, this primarily affects the complexity of the Landscape. RAAS v09. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Added camouflage nets to many deployables: Pillbox sandbags, HMG bunkers, HASCO bunkers, Indirect Fire Shelters, HABs. Improved the micro terrain across the entire landscape. Optimized the sky textures, which previously could cause system hitching on older hardware. Added 3 new Kohat RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Kohat RAAS v5 (USA vs RU), Kohat RAAS v6 (GB vs RU), Kohat RAAS v7 (RU vs MEA). Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland and desert texture with maple leaves for the syrup lovers. Fixed smoothing groups, fixed dark baked in shadows in windows &. With improved shadows and lighting also comes updates to the Graphics Settings Menu. This feature is currently enabled on the following maps: Anvil, Gorodok, Manic-5, Mestia, and Yehorivka, greatly increasing the close-up detail of the Landscape. Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. This is an inherent problem, and the solution is currently in long-term development. Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. Fixed exploitable cliffs near Russian Outpost POI. This addressed a number of visual bugs. !vote restart - Restarts voting with 6 random maps and modes. Fixed a minor visual issue with the M240 Helicopter Door Guns muzzle flash not moving with the gun. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Fixed an issue with foliage popup at close distance. !vote end - Gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer. Fixed a gameplay issue with the MIL T62 MBT turret component, which had 500 less hp than intended. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Low is now much lower, and High/Epic is much higher. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. The root cause of this issue was addressed by a change to the way penetration is handled. : The fall damage changes which existed in the pre-release v2.12 playtests are not in this update. Only the admin cam has special caster features. RAAS v07. AAS . This allows a 120s AAS flag to be captured in as little as 80s. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Updated soldier stamina to no longer regenerate during vaulting and climbing. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. Some of the changes since you last saw me on the wrench: These fixes have all been communicated to Server Owners on the Offworld Industries Hosting Discord server. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Updated minimap with the intent to make height more readable, minimap now also features trees. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Fixed an issue where unintended high altitude wind SFX was playing across nearly the entire map. The knowledge of Squad Lanes would still be both in the heads of experienced SLs and not so easy to access. Adjusted vehicle out on Narva Invasion v2: GB FV107 now respawns, RUS 1x BTR82A is now single-use, other BTR82A now has 10min initial spawn time. Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses. Updated Shadows now render out to 1km at all graphics settings. Added a BP tool that allows media creation by loading a weapon mesh with all the attachments associated BP_Weapons_Marketing, If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings ->, Squad welcomes the folks from down under to the fight. AAS . Added a new map layer: Sumari Seed v2 AUS vs RUS, clone of Sumari Seed v1. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post ( LINK URL ). V2.12s primary focus was on bringing improvements to Squads visuals, making for an all around better looking game, as well as adding new gameplay and tactical opportunities for our players based only on the higher quality visuals alone. Updated flag capture rate scaling values. RAAS v12. Fixed a minor visual issue with the Militia Heavy Machine gunner having a broken lip that stretched out the back of his neck. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). (APFSDS rounds etc.). Updated the MEA G3 Rifle series firing sounds. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. Updated the Anti-Tank rocket backblast visual effects to be longer lasting. Fixed a gameplay issue with single-use vehicle spawns not working as intended in certain circumstances and spawning vehicles when they should not. Fixed a minor issue with floating grass in the Tunnel. Squadlanes Interactive Squad Maps to help with RAAS capture point prediction Capture Points and RAAS lanes are automatically extracted from Squad maps. Updated CAF weapon text description in the role loadout screen. Fixed vehicle spawner issue on several Yehorivka layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. Fixed a minor error in text with CAF Grenadier C7 using C8s item description. Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. Their weakness is the lack of armor and the exposure of the driver/gunner to all forms of attack. Increased intensity of peripheral vision blur when using zoom optics. It takes hundreds if not thousands of hours to learn RAAS lanes but many players, myself included, know most common lanes offhand. Updated the MEA MTLB 6MA APC & MEA BRDM2 to now have collision on the UB32 rocket pod. WoodenQuality5099 25 days ago However it's not truly random. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). Fixed multiple piles of incorrectly textured boulders. Fixed an issue with conflicting ambient tree SFX cutting out around grid E9-6-6. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. Fixed an issue with different projectiles having non-muffled vehicle impact sounds while inside the vehicle. Added a new visual aesthetic effect for helicopters the rotor wash of helicopter blades should now interact with the environment. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. Fixed a potential FOB deployment exploit on the 2nd floor inside the Warehouse. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. 2 pre-captured flag, INS/MIL begins with 2 flags pre-captured and starts with an extra 40 tickets. We now achieve the desired look using lighting alone, which preserves detail. Updated the minimap with intent to make height more readable, minimap also now features trees. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Fixed a minor visual issue with the viewport texture on the RUS woodland BMP-2. Updated CAF arid uniforms textures to look more authentic. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. Skorpo is a map featured in Squad. The effect now smoothly fades in and out. Fixed vehicle spawner issues on Manic-5 layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. We are continuously working to improve server performance and optimization. Please play Squad on a system that meets or exceeds our min spec. Hopefully, this issue should be resolved now. Updated the LandMine / IED explosions / Demo Charges to include new debris sounds for heavy and light vehicles and also modified the close-up explosion sound. Design Intention: This change is meant to make large fortified FOBs more viable in the face of mortars and Commander call-ins. The one exception is Fallujah, where shadow render distance has not been extended, pending more extensive map optimizations. And it accomplishes this. Fixed an issue with a tree growing in train tracks at grid G9-4-8. I present to you the Great Book of Lanes, a comprehensive catalogue of the possibilities in every RAAS and Invasion variant, current as of Squad's 1.0 release. RAAS v05. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. Fixed an issue on several Invasion/Insurgency map layers where the Defenders would have the wrong intro text & staging phase text. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server fire projectile IDs. Adjusted the Mi8/Mi17 Helicopters default ammo/construction cargo split from 750/750 to 900 ammo / 600 construction. Narrow, windy roads and dark tunnels follow the coastline and are treacherous bottlenecks . Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. Players who are experiencing issues after the update, be sure to go to Settings ->. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. The capture progress bar will also be hidden to indicate the flag is no longer valid to capture. Overhauled thousands of materials, textures, and 3D models to react to light in a more physically accurate way. Fixed a gameplay issue where in some circumstances, projectiles were dealing double damage to vehicles. Improved the visibility of muzzle flashes. Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Expanded the road network around Kropy and Zolata POIs. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Now they should block traces with the visibility channel. Increased the turret health to match the INS T62. You may want to raise or lower your graphics settings from what you used before this update. Updated Yehorivka to use a new road material. !vote cancel - Cancels current round of voting. RAAS v02. Adjusted the USA Protection Zone on Kohat RAAS v2 so it no longer extends so far east of the USA main. Fixed an issue with a wall sticking through a building at grid C4-2-4. Fixed a minor audio issue where the INS faction was missing the Commander and Adjutant voiceover lines. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server vehicle hits to ragdoll soldiers. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. This new revised landscape should appear more natural, with a minor increase in micro terrain. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. Updated textures of most infantry weapons and HMGs, to bring them in line with a more realistic metallic look. SMV Layers: See Discussion for SMV layer list - [LayerName_SMV] Credits For the Killfeed and Stickycam System ProMod Team - DevilsD - Arkanoid - Steez Popular Discussions View All (3) 0 Feb 21 @ 12:36am Fixed a wall segment having a missing face at grid I7-8-9. RAAS v06. Fixed vehicle spawner issue on Kohat RAAS v4 GB LPPV and FV107 will now spawn at the start of the round. Exit Indicators will change colour from green to red to indicate when an obstacle obstructs the arrows position, which is an indication that the doorway may be partially or completely blocked to players. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Fixed an issue with untextured rubble walls at multiple locations. If you encounter this issue after this fix, we appreciate all player reports through discord, forums, etc. Updated soldier ragdolls with several quality of life improvements and to fix some long-standing issues: Updated ragdoll collisions to create fewer spasms and to allow ragdolls to settle into place more easily/smoothly. Players could also use this as a corner-piece to connect with a larger network of defensive deployables like the HASCO walls, sandbags, HMG bunkers, etc. Fixed an issue at the Old Hospital POI with wall alignment. Added Low Quality Environment toggle: Aggressively reduces maximum allowed quality of foliage and small rocks. Added a new map layer: Logar Seed v1 created a new map layer for server seeding. Adjusted many Invasion map layers to add an initial 5-minute delay for the Defending Teams Technical SPG9. This issue occurred when a projectile damage trace would hit both the vehicle turret and hull, applying damage to both of them, and when the turret was set to transfer received damage to the hull, it resulted in dealing double damage to the hull, which was not intended. Adjusted most soldier clothing materials to be more consistent with each other and to respond to light in a more physically accurate way. GB FV510 IFV was particularly susceptible to this issue. It can cause objects to pop-in after one frame, such as when rapidly turning a corner. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. While in AAS the flag layout is static and always the same for a map layer, in RAAS the flag layout is randomized and will be different every time you play. Fixed an issue with CAF Manic-5 TC v1, which was incorrectly named TC v2. Adjusted all Yehorivka map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 600m to 400m. Fixed an issue with an archway that was too low to walk under at grid H6-4-9. We intend to add a staging phase functionality in the future, which will automatically remove restriction zones once a critical player number has been reached and staging phase ends. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally not seeing Logistic Vehicles construction supplies (Logi Bug). Pros: Large amount of hit points and good viewing angles, with a protected entry way. This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. Pros: Relatively small footprint with superior viewing angles for observation and fire support. Added 2 new Narva RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Narva RAAS v2 (USA vs RUS), CAF Narva RAAS v2 (CAF vs RUS). Infantry Tutorial Updated to include the AUS faction on the soldier and vehicle identification board. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket).

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squad raas layers

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