content theories include all of the following theories except:

Management by objectives is criticized for placing too much emphasis on goal-oriented rewards and punishments, top-down goals, goals that are easily stated in objective terms, and individual instead of group goals. Further, evidence in support of the three need categories and their order tends to be stronger than evidence for Maslows five need categories and their relative order. Hedonism, one of the first motivation theories, assumes that people are motivated to satisfy mainly their own needs (seek pleasure, avoid pain). The group-level approach is generally superior to the individual-level approach in assessing leader effectiveness. That is, before one type of need can manifest itself, other needs must be satisfied. According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors are the sources of job satisfaction? d) an employee's responsibility to request that their managers develop need profiles required for success in different jobs Describe a content theory of motivation. They include such needs as the need for achievement, for love, and for affiliation (see Table 14.1).4. Todays flexible, cost-conscious organizations have no room for top-heavy structures; their high-nAch employees perform their jobs well with minimal supervision. a) Lower-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. Achievement needs become manifest when individuals experience certain types of situations. The person may not have had the opportunity to express the need. One wonders if athletes like Tim Tebow are self-actualizing when they participate in multiple sporting endeavors at the professional level. Murrays main premise was that people have a variety of needs, but only a few are expressed at a given time. c) more than one need may be activated at the same time Extrinsic motivation increases as intrinsic motivation decreases! This need is oriented toward fulfilling responsibilities to the employer, not to the self. psychopharmacology j. The task is enjoyable, so we continue to do it even in the absence of extrinsic rewards. Even if the virtues in different cultural contexts have the same name, like "honesty" or "justice," they may well be different in their essential content. d) Social All of the following are content theories EXCEPT: a. operant conditioning b. SDT theory c. ERG theory d. Motivator/Hygiene theory e. Maslow's theory Jan 21 2022 | 05:07 AM | Solved Glenna Pfannerstill Verified Expert 7 Votes 1013 Answers The ecological systems perspective includes all of the following except: a) it evolved from family systems theoriesb) it is considered a traditional helping approach c) it is multi-contextual d) individual and system factors must be considered in understanding a helpee's problem* (pages 158-160)17. d) the order of needs in the hierarchy may differ across cultures. The need for achievement (nAch) is how much people are motivated to excel at the tasks they are performing, especially tasks that are difficult. d.) Goal setting a) Acquired needs theory In McClelland's motivation theory, the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power are developed over time, as a result of life experiences. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like All of the following are reasons to examine criminological theories of crime EXCEPT ______., A criminal justice professional who does not understand criminal justice research is comparable to a ______., Criminological theories are all of the following EXCEPT ______. Need-based theories describe motivated behavior as individual efforts to meet needs. a) Individualistic Rays beginning and ending accounts receivables balances are $147,990 and$142,720, respectively. Which of the following comparisons of Alderfer's ERG theory and Maslow's needs hierarchy is correct? e) relatedness, According to McClelland, someone with a high need for _________ is drawn to interpersonal relationships and opportunities for communication. Identify situational conditions. Do you think most companies CSR programs are essentially PR gimmicks? These eight types of intelligence represent the varied ways individuals process information. To accept injury, blame, criticism, punishment. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. But he also believes that each need can be taught, especially nAch. List of Organizational Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions with Answers: Q1. They build empires, and they protect them. These precepts from SDT are entirely consistent with earlier discussions of theories by McClelland, Maslow, Alderfer, and Herzberg. A disaster may be caused by nature or have human origins c. A disaster always receives widespread media coverage. 30. Do you study at Liberty University? a) power. Four componentssatisfaction progression, frustration, frustration regression, and aspirationare key to understanding Alderfers ERG theory. d) esteem. b) People with a high need for power are drawn to interpersonal relationships and opportunities for communication. a) only one need may be activated at the same time To better understand the nAch motive, its helpful to describe high-nAch people. d) understand individual employee needs and create work environments that respond to them. 54. The possibilities are endless. c) hygiene factors involve the work setting or the environment in which people work. It is too easy. Q9 - Rational choice theories developed in the midst of social events that included all of the following EXCEPT: The Drug War. e) Hygiene factors include working conditions, interpersonal relations, organizational policies, and salary. When motivator needs are met, however, employees feel satisfied and are motivated to perform well. c) Self-actualization Strengthening flexible lines of defense According to Rogers' theory "continuous and mutual interaction between man and environment' is termed as: Integrality Which is NOT a concept related to Faye Abdellah's theory? To snub or jilt an object. Some jobs are by their very nature uninteresting and unlikely to be made interesting. nondirectivec. consent of Rice University. Henry A. Murray recognized this problem and condensed the list into a few instinctive and learned needs.3 Instincts, which Murray called primary needs, include physiological needs for food, water, sex (procreation), urination, and so on. e) less than two needs must be activated at the same time, c) more than one need may be activated at the same time, Which of the following content theories of motivation is associated with the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power? Maslow condensed human needs into a manageable set. e) It holds that people who feel underpaid will reduce their work efforts to compensate for missing rewards. Maslow was a psychologist who, based on his early research with primates (monkeys), observations of patients, and discussions with employees in organizations, theorized that human needs are arranged hierarchically. To adhere and remain loyal to a friend. a) difficult goals lead to higher performance than "do your best" or easy goals d. serving as a research framework. You probably know a few of them. The Promotion contains a game of chance . Therefore, the more we satisfy our growth need, the more important it becomes and the more strongly we are motivated to satisfy it. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. A motive is a source of motivation; it is the need that a person is attempting to satisfy. Again, there are no easy answers. When we are hungry, for example, our need for food has been energized. All of the following statements describe hygiene factors in the two-factor theory EXCEPT: (Credit: Patrick Cashin/ flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), Corporate Social Responsibility as a Motivating Force, (Credit: Adrenalin Tim /flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), (Attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC-BY 4.0 license), Satisfying Existence, Relatedness, and Growth Needs, Jamie Dimon, CEO at JP Morgan Chase, is reported to make $27 million dollars per year, and as CEO has an interesting and intrinsically rewarding job. See Page 1 Section Reference: Types of Motivation Theories Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. c) When a person will react to specific management styles Reinforcement During the process of refining and extending Maslows theory, Alderfer provided another need-based theory and a somewhat more useful perspective on motivation.12 Alderfers ERG theory compresses Maslows five need categories into three: existence, relatedness, and growth.13 In addition, ERG theory details the dynamics of an individuals movement between the need categories in a somewhat more detailed fashion than typically characterizes interpretations of Maslows work. Hygiene needs, on the other hand, must be met to avoid dissatisfaction (but do not necessarily provide satisfaction or motivation).15. All of the following descriptions of Maslow's needs hierarchy are correct EXCEPT: d) The theory links motivation and needs to both satisfaction and performance. b) Feelings of inequity are determined solely by the individual's interpretation of the situation. If the MARR is 20%, which pump should be selected? To achieve cleanliness, arrangement, organization, balance, neatness, tidiness, and precision. Why? B) an individual's intensity, direction and persistence. c) valence is high and expectancy and instrumentality are low As you would expect, high-nAff people are very sociable. ______________ is classified as a content theory. a) expectancy The diversity of the living world is staggering. d) power Most counseling theories have been developed: a. in a scientific laboratory. With regards to motivation, which of the following best defines direction? d) Herzberg's two-factor theory. c) McClelland's acquired needs theory. e) an employee's responsibility to develop need profiles required for success in their respective manager's jobs, b) possible to teach people to develop need profiles required for success in different jobs. Such actions enhance intrinsic rewards. b) It is best known through the work of J. Stacy Adams. They differ in that they feel best when they have influenced a work group to achieve the groups goals, and not some personal agenda. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. SDT specifies when an activity will be intrinsically motivating and when it will not. When a person is behaving in a way that satisfies some need, Murray called the need manifest. d) Goal setting They feel personally responsible for completing whatever tasks they are assigned. Herzberg recommends using _________ to build motivators into job content. Job content is what we actually do when we perform our job duties. Social comparison is the basic foundation of which theory? Ans: e Page: 102 High social power seekers are concerned with goals that a work group has set for itself, and they are motivated to influence others to achieve the goal.

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content theories include all of the following theories except:

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